Phoebe M. Edge


Following a circuitous route to law school, Phoebe spent more than 10 years in Tempe, Arizona as a dancer, artist and teacher. A native of Atlanta, she spent her formative years at Westminster Schools and graduated from Paideia. Phoebe received her B.F.A., magna cum laude, in Ceramics from Arizona State University in 2003 and her J.D., cum laude, from Georgia State University in 2017. While in law school, she provided research assistance to Professor Mary Radford. Phoebe lives in Atlanta with her daughter, Emma, and dog, Lulu.

PHONE: 404-523-8337

FAX: 404-523-8323


Bar Admissions

  • Georgia, 2017


  • Georgia State University College of Law, Atlanta, Georgia J.D. cum laude – 2017
  • Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona B.F.A. magna cum laude - 2003